Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Planting Seeds

I am the worst gardener.
No joke.
I'm not sure if I have ever planted a plant that has lived; even the single lima beans we used to plant in elementary school- I don't think they EVER sprouted.

My biggest daily struggle is working with non-believers.  I usually question myself- how am I doing with planting seeds?  How am I using the Great Commission at work?

I work in a field with an abundance of negativity and stress.  Although I love my job, sometimes the interaction with coworkers is more stressful than dealing with the public.
We as believers are called to be salt and light...Jesus spent times in homes with unbelievers to be the light and witness to them.  He ate with tax collectors.  I think we need to follow his example and to the same.  I try and pray every evening that I'll be shown the wisdom to deal with work situations.
I'm not even sure if what I've said makes sense.  It does to me.  I just pray that everyone can find an outlet to negativity!

With that being said....I hope I'm planting seeds at every chance I can.  JC's a much better gardener than me :)
