Saturday, February 4, 2012

The No 'Poo Project

I have a confession to make.
I haven't shampooed my hair for the past 2 weeks....and I'm not planning on it for a while.
Now I'm not saying I haven't washed my hair- just no store purchased shampoo.
I've been studying about the "no 'poo" method since discovering it on a blog and I REALLY loved what I read.  Think about it- all of the chemicals in shampoos and conditioners we are putting in our hair? I try and eat only natural/organic- so what would I put chemicals on my body?

Essentially- "no 'poo" is washing my hair with a baking soda/water mixture and conditioning with apple cider vinegar (I like Braggs Organic Raw ACV).

My hair washing regimen now goes something like this:
I mix 1 tbs of baking soda with one cup of water.  Right now this is all happening in a ramekin, so pouring it over my head is a bit of mess as you can imagine; but as soon as I'm done with this post, I'm going to invest in a small squirt bottle and pre-mix by "shampoo."  This way, I'll only have to make it (hopefully) once a week.  After I massage  the mix in my hair, concentrating on my scalp because that is what produces the most oil, I rinse.
For my conditioner, I use 1-2 tbs ACV with 1 cup of water.  I put it in on my ends after my baking soda wash and leave it in while I finish my shower, shave etc., then rinse and that's it!

The only thing I have't quite gotten the hang of yet is how often to actually "shampoo."  I used to be a shampoo everyday kind of girl.  I've read about women no 'pooing twice a week, once a week, and some eventually just using water (I'm not sure if I can try that route yet...). So far, I've tried it 2-3 times a week and it seems to be working.  On my shower days when it's not "poo day," I usually just rinse my hair under plain water.
In the beginning, my hair did seem to be producing a bit more oil; but I think that is just to compensate for the shampoo oils and my hair is slowly figuring it out.

If you want to read more on stories on 'No Poo- check these other blogs out:

Simple Mom

Crunchy Betty

Cheers to no 'poo!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth.

I stumbled upon this blog (Moments of Exhilaration) and could not have written a better entry.  Her thoughts are my thoughts.  Here is an excerpt of what was written:

The truth is powerful.  And often uncomfortable.  Sometimes too uncomfortable.  But you have to face those uncomfortable truths and you have to write them, both for your own sake and because you owe it to your reader.  And you have to tell the whole truth.  Because only half a truth isn’t really the truth at all.
These uncomfortable truths are what draw people in, what make them want to hear more.  It’s what makes us feel like we’re not alone, in parenthood or in life.  As writers we need to tell those truths, more than anything else.  So I will, always, strive to tell the truth here.  It is, after all, why I write.
And this is why I write too.  There are days when I struggle to find the good and the beauty in the world around me.  There are  days when I complain about things that are trivial without counting all of my blessings.  There are days when I am broken, but there is always that reminder (one of my favorite verses):

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit"
Psalm 34:18

I promise to always tell the truth on this blog.  Even when it hurts.  Since, only half of a truth really isn't the truth at all.
