Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth.

I stumbled upon this blog (Moments of Exhilaration) and could not have written a better entry.  Her thoughts are my thoughts.  Here is an excerpt of what was written:

The truth is powerful.  And often uncomfortable.  Sometimes too uncomfortable.  But you have to face those uncomfortable truths and you have to write them, both for your own sake and because you owe it to your reader.  And you have to tell the whole truth.  Because only half a truth isn’t really the truth at all.
These uncomfortable truths are what draw people in, what make them want to hear more.  It’s what makes us feel like we’re not alone, in parenthood or in life.  As writers we need to tell those truths, more than anything else.  So I will, always, strive to tell the truth here.  It is, after all, why I write.
And this is why I write too.  There are days when I struggle to find the good and the beauty in the world around me.  There are  days when I complain about things that are trivial without counting all of my blessings.  There are days when I am broken, but there is always that reminder (one of my favorite verses):

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit"
Psalm 34:18

I promise to always tell the truth on this blog.  Even when it hurts.  Since, only half of a truth really isn't the truth at all.


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